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August 2019

Fabiana Da Silva

Fabiana Da Silva was born in São Paulo, Brazil and moved to New York when she was 24 years old. Having a very supportive and caring family, since she was little, she learned the importance of being empathetic. She loves teaching English as a Second Language and has been teaching English and Portuguese for many years. She has gotten her bachelor’s in Portuguese and English Literature and has a Master of Education in TESOL. She loves traveling and meeting new people, and has a passion for dancing.

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After a diagnosis of leukemia, I had a relentless desire to record
all the feelings that overflowed my mind and my soul while going through my cancer treatment. Despite all the suffering caused by the disease, I have always believed that facing the obstacles looking for something positive in each situation would be essential to finish my treatment successfully. And that's how I managed to end my treatment with great faith, optimism, and humor.

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Beating Cancer With Faith, Optimism, and Humor

Fabiana Da Silva had been living and teaching in the United States for only few years when she met the prince she had been searching for her entire life. After they married on May 4, 2013, they shared beautiful moments for seven months until the day Fabiana received a shocking diagnosis. She had leukemia. In a heartwarming retelling, Fabiana leads others chronologically through her life in the days before the diagnosis as she excitedly prepared for a trip to Brazil, through her symptoms that ultimately steered her to a diagnosis, her treatments and their impact on her marriage, and her positive outlook through it all. As she candidly brings each moment to life, Fabiana encourages others to keep their faith, hope, and humor during their own health challenges so that they, too, can live in the present and embrace every moment, good or bad.


Fabiana is extremely in touch with her faith, and this connection fuels her strength throughout her treatment. When
times got tough for her, Fabiana remembered that God would not give her anything she could not handle. This
mindset allowed her to keep her positivity even when she felt her worse. She believed deeply in the prayers and well
wishes of her friends and family and she used those positive thoughts as her motivation. I do not know anyone who
has kept such a positive outlook on life during their battle with cancer, especially such a strong relationship with
God. Fabiana had the “assurance that God was there, looking after [her] through [her] prayers and [her] meditations,
and learned to let her soul sink in them” (159). I know many situations where people blame God for the wrong in
their lives, therefore, Fabiana’s strong connection with God throughout her treatment and recovery gives me another
reason to admire her strength.


Fabiana’s journey of fighting leukemia was inspiring to me. They way she handled what she was going through
showed her strength. She is truly an inspiration. The way she handled every little set back should be a lesson
everyone should learn. From how strong her marriage is to her son. Being a wife and a mom must've been super
hard during her journey, but she overcame every obstacle. Overall, I really enjoyed reading her book, especially
because I like her writing style. For me, it was very easy to understand. Reading this book opened up my eyes to
always see good in the world. Even when times get though, you have to always stay positive which is a great life
lesson for anyone.



I greatly appreciate Fabiana’s transparency throughout her storytelling and though she used humor, she was very
honest in her detailing of her journey. It can be incredibly difficult to admit the extent of our pain and face the things
that we have gone through within ourselves, much less publicly, in a published novel. I admire Fabiana’s bravery in
sharing her story to the fullest extent in an effort to share, grow, and educate.



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Fabiana Da Silva was born in São Paulo, Brazil and moved to New York when she was 24 years old. Having a very supportive and caring family, since she was little, she learned the importance of being empathetic.

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